Community Representatives
These community members have been appointed by the four governing board of chiefs to work in partnership with Cokel on major business decisions. Reach out to your representative with ideas, concerns, or for more information.
Leah Fontaine
Black River First nation
Carl Smith
Brokenhead Objibway Nation
Wesley Moneas
Hollow Water First Nation
Justin Courchane
Sagkeeng Anicinabe Nation
Project Phases
Support economic development and employment in forest products manufacturing and woodlands operations while developing Indigenous stewardship.
Business Plan
Develop Agreement
Focused on reviewing past plans, gaining consensus that a new development agreement will be created, getting community representatives appointed, continually building a business plan and conducting community engagement sessions.
A market viability study will be completed, with two business cases developed. Community engagement will continue with round two of the principal communities and the business plan will be further developed.
This will take2 to 3 years to complete. The business plan will need to be finalized and then we will take the steps outlined to launch a viable business that will provide economic opportunities. This will include developing the basic physical and organizational structures and facilities needed.
The END goal!
A company owned and operated by the four First Nation communites in forest product manufacturing and woodlands operations.
An agreement between the four principal First Nation communities and the Government of Manitoba to sustainably manage the forest area.
April 2023 to May 2024
May 2024 to March 2025
2028 to 2029
2025 to 2028
As with any project, timelines are a moving target. What we do know are the stages that need to be completed and the goal is to have them completed in approximately five years.